Monday, November 18, 2013

Response On Abortion

In one of my colleague’s article from her blog titled Texas in My Eyes, she brought up the subject about abortion in Texas. She discussed about House Bill 2 that was passed on October 29th. Which “requires doctors who perform abortion surgery have hospital admitting privilege within 30 miles of the facility.” I agree with Lysa’s view on abortion. Personally, I highly disagree abortion in general. If you think about it, it’s the equivalent of murder. But I do believe that women have the right to do what they want with their body so it is a good thing that the option of abortion is still available in various locations around Texas. The fact that the available places to get an abortion are spread throughout the state makes it difficult for women who do not live in that specific city. All in all I agree with everything Lysa is saying when she makes the statement that “they should just leave the House Bill 2 it’s not making abortion illegal it is making it safer.” Not every woman should be qualified for an abortion. So it is a good thing there are numerous requirements in order to receive one.

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